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  • Why we don't have people managing other people

    The short answer is because we believe people don’t need to be managed. Take a few minutes to think about some of the actions you took to get out of your house today. Maybe setting your alarm clock last night; white top or stripy one; will I need an umbrella?, eggs or fruit for breakfast… Let’s go with both. Anyway, I think you get the picture. There were quite a few thoughts, actions and decisions here, and you probably did most of those on your own! Congratulations, you have managed to leave the house without supervision from another adult!

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  • Designing beautiful automated browser tests

    During the last two years I worked with development teams that write their own automated tests. That’s right, developers who also write automated tests. However, sometimes developers tend to think that automating is boring and the lack of discipline when writing automated tests becomes a real problem. That problem reflects in the quality of the tests. That becomes evident when the tests are failing “for no apparent reason”. The majority of the times, the reasons are badly written tests or negligence.

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  • Hello world

    It works! :)

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